
At Kogan Solar Boost, we like hearing from our readers and learning more about their experiences with home improvements. If you have any advice, stories, or other information to share regarding sustainability, remodelling, or home improvement, please consider contributing to this blog. We always appreciate outside insights and stories.

You don’t need to be the best writer to write a piece for us. We have people who can fix grammar and other issues. We just want to hear what you have to share. If you think you may be interested in contributing to the Kogan Solar Boost blog, look at the article options and choose one. Write your article and send it to us with all your information.

Article Options:

My Experience – Tell us about your experience with home improvement. If you have experience with sustainable materials or remodelling that has improved your energy use, please share your story. Your story should be about 350 words.

Advice or Tips – Homeowners who are considering home improvements tend to look for online advice and tips. They are often specifically looking for sustainable options that will save them money. If you have any knowledge, advice, or tips to share, please do so. Your article should be about 350 words.

Questions – Send us your questions about home improvements and sustainability. We collect these questions and compile them into a Q&A article that benefits all our readers.

Send your completed article and your contact details to We look forward to your contributions.